Posts tagged segregation
A Dream for Himself and Others

When war broke out between the U.S and the Axis powers Bob felt like he had to prove he was an American. Bob, just like any other young person heard the patriotic call of the nation, to lend his ability to the war effort.

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Marine and JROTC Instructor

Archie Robinson served with the Marine Corps for around 30 years. When Archie Robinson first enlisted, he was treated differently due to racism and racial discrimination.

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The Perseverance of Dreams

John William Bell loved the United States military. It shaped him and gave him opportunities he would not have otherwise had. He embraced the chance he was given and raised a family through hard work and dedication.

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Saving Lives in Service and Beyond

As an African American man growing up in the first half of the twentieth century, Edmond Forrest Noel faced obstacles that his white peers could never understand.

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