Posts tagged World War I
Serving His Country, Supporting His Family

Serving one’s country and supporting one’s family can often go hand in hand. That was definitely the case for Joseph Riggs, who started working to provide for his family at just 15 years old after his father died. It did not take long for Joseph to turn his attention to the U.S. Marine Corps after America’s entry into World War One, and the young man was sent overseas to fight.

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A Leader in the Military and Classroom

Lieutenant Vincent Moore was among those in the Navy tasked with sharing his knowledge and experience from the Great War with soldiers who fought and died in the Second World War. After his military service, Vincent continued his commitment to education by teaching at both CU Boulder and the Rocky Flats Plant.

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Hero of the Rhine

Many people believe that they will change the course of history, but few have the means and opportunity to do so. Karl Henry Timmerman, the product of German immigration, was instrumental in securing victory over forces holding the Rhine Bridge in World War II, which broke open Germany’s defenses in the west. In doing so, Karl honorably served his country and created a legacy dictated by his actions and not those of his father.

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A Man Among Dough-Boys

While Dross may have enlisted in support of the Spanish-American War and missed it, the following years saw much more intense fighting in the Philippine-American War, wherein Dross did serve in the 30th United States Infantry regiment.

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